can slow down your connection speed.
This is one product that I found that
not only speeds up your connection
but adds another layer of protection.
OpenDNS gaining popularity, a free
service (paid as well to include more features)
that provides a set of rock solid, super-fast
DNS servers to anyone who wants to use them.
Don't get stuck with whatever DNS Server your ISP provides...
"OpenDNS operates datacenters at the most strategically connected
intersections of the Internet around the world."
Along with the increased datacenters you can blacklist
unwanted junk sites that generate pop-ups and pop-unders.
This adds a layer of security because your browser is
not fighting off unwanted malware, again increasing speed.
There are videos to walk through the setup process,
I would suggest a few extra steps as your setting up your
router and use the added layer of hardware protection.
Many routers come with a default password for
example my Linksys router uses "admin".
While changing this password to something else
would keep you computer from becoming a Zombie.
Another change can be helpful such as
"Number of Address:" which the default is
50. That means 50 computers can use your router.
Change that to the number of computer being used
such as 4 which I'm using. This is under the
"Basic Setup" section.
OpenDNS will add another layer of protection
but it can really be used as a security audit.
I don't think most home users ever think of
this phase of protection. Once a software
firewall with some anti-virus protection
is installed they're safe.
An audit will let you know how well
those products are working using OpenDNS.
One place I like to check for overall global network connection or
a global network weather report is the Internet Traffic Index.
This could be akin to local and national weather.
note: I do not work for or have an affiliation with OpenDNS